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Blog posts : "UELAC"

Follow Friday -United Empire Loyalists Association (UELAC) on Facebook

The UELAC has an open group on Facebook whick is moderated by the past Dominion President, Fred Hayward, U.E. It is a great site for members of different branches of the UELAC to get together and share information as well as anyone who is interested in learning more about the UELAC and membership.

Historians interested in the Revolutionary War and the history of North America will find this group worth checking out too. Genealigists and famikly researchers who have a loyalist or two in their tr…

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From Blogger To Editor


When I became a member of the Bicentennial Branch of the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada I thought that I would be able to find more information about the loyalists, maybe find some more resources for my research,  little did I know that two years later I would be the newsletter editor for my branch.

It is this blog that brought me the opportunity to be the branch newletter editor. Bonnie Schepers U.E., the current editor was looking for a replacement because she had been ele…

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2 blog posts